Based in Los Angeles


Tumblr (archive)

Substack (Damien’s Caprese Salad)

A&E Networks, Adidas, Airbnb, Apple, The Atlantic, Autre Magazine, Bloomberg Businessweek, Byredo, Cove, Cultured, Dickies, Esquire, Financial Times Weekend, GQ Style, Landscape., Levi’s, M le Magazine du Monde, Monocle, Mouvement, NYLON Japan, ODDA Magazine, Paper Magazine, Playboy, Pin-Up, Pure Beauty, Rose Los Angeles, Some Days, Someone & Others, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, T Brand Studio, The California Sunday Magazine, The Fader, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Vice Magazine, Vogue, The Wire, W Hotels, WIRED, W Magazine, WSJ. Magazine, Zeit Magazin

Books / Exhibitions:
2024 Altered Earth, group show, Bolinas Museum

2023 American Photography 39 Selected

2021 Seeking Arrangements, group show, DOG San Francisco

2017 Blomster, special edition of 18 published by Houseboat Press

2017 New Portraiture, group show, Skylab Gallery, Ohio

2017 Negative Approach, cover and feature of Sunday El         Rancho

2016 Sunday El Rancho, solo show, ATM Gallery, Texas

2016 A Great Sum (In Parts), group show, Osnova Gallery, Russia

2016 Olive Juice, hardcover book collaboration with Molly Matalon, Published by VUU Studio

2016 A New Nothing/Parallelograms, Unseen Magazine

2014 Summer Vacation, self-published newsprint zine